Keep Your Contents After a Hurricane: Insurance Claim Process Tips

Hurricanes can be devastating, leaving behind a path of destruction that often includes significant damage to your home and personal property. In the aftermath of such a disaster, the instinct may be to clean up and dispose of damaged items as quickly as possible. However, when it comes to filing an Insurance Claim Process rushing to throw things out could significantly reduce your chances of getting a full settlement from your insurance provider.

In this post, we’ll explain why keeping your damaged contents is crucial after a hurricane and how failing to do so could make it harder to prove your loss and recover compensation.

Proving Your Loss: The Key to a Full Settlement

Do not dispose of your total loss contents after a storm until your Public insurance adjuster has inspected the contents and agreed on a value.

Documentation is everything when filing an insurance claim. Your insurance policy requires you to prove the extent of your loss, and this includes providing evidence of both your damaged home and personal belongings. Insurance adjusters—who are sent by the insurance company to assess your claim—will need to inspect the damaged items before they can determine the settlement amount.

If you dispose of your contents before the adjuster arrives or before documenting everything properly, you may find it challenging to prove your loss. Without the physical evidence of your damaged possessions, the adjuster may dispute the value of your claim or question the legitimacy of the damage.

Why Keeping Your Damaged Items is Critical

  1. Physical Evidence: Damaged items act as tangible proof of your loss. Adjusters rely on seeing the damage firsthand to evaluate the extent of the destruction and the value of your belongings. If they can’t inspect the items, they may offer you less compensation than you deserve.
  2. Supporting Documentation: Photos, videos, and itemized lists of damaged property are essential, but they may not be enough on their own. Keeping the physical items allows you to back up your documentation and provide additional proof of loss.
  3. Smoother Insurance Claim Process: Insurance adjusters are trained to minimize payouts. By retaining your damaged items, you prevent any questions or disputes about the authenticity of your claim. This can lead to a smoother, faster claims process and potentially a higher payout.
  4. Avoiding Denial or Reduction of Insurance Claim Process: If the adjuster feels that the claim lacks sufficient evidence, they could delay the settlement or, in the worst cases, deny the claim altogether. Holding onto your damaged items prevents this scenario.

What to Do After the Hurricane

  1. Document Everything: Before disposing of anything, take detailed photos and videos of your damaged belongings and property. Make sure to capture the item from multiple angles and document the extent of the damage. Create a list that includes the item name, approximate value, and a description of the damage.
  2. Wait for the Adjuster: If possible, wait until your insurance adjuster inspects the damage before you start cleaning up. This will give the adjuster the chance to evaluate your items in person.
  3. Secure Damaged Items: If you must clean up for safety reasons, don’t throw away the damaged items. Instead, move them to a secure location where they won’t be further damaged but can still be inspected by the adjuster.
  4. Keep Receipts and Warranties: If you have receipts, warranties, or other documentation for your damaged belongings, make sure to provide this to the adjuster. It will help to substantiate the value of your loss.

How Insurance Adjusters Work

It’s important to understand that insurance adjusters don’t work for you—they work for the insurance company. Their primary goal is to minimize the amount of money the company has to pay out. This is why they may challenge your claim if you dispose of your damaged items prematurely. Without physical proof of the extent of your loss, they may argue that the damage was less severe than you claim, which could lead to a reduced settlement.

By keeping your damaged contents and providing clear, undeniable evidence of your loss, you make it harder for the adjuster to undervalue your claim.


It’s easy to overlook the importance of retaining your damaged property in the chaos following a hurricane. However, keeping your contents and thoroughly documenting your losses will strengthen your Insurance Claim Process and increase your chances of getting a full settlement.

Before discarding anything, remember that every item plays a role in proving your loss to the insurance adjuster. Take your time, document everything carefully, and always wait for the adjuster’s inspection. This way, you’ll protect your rights and increase the likelihood of receiving the compensation you deserve.